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Angular TLV Conference

small clock image

November 27th, 2024

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Zappa, Tel Aviv

Terms of Use


Welcome to the website of the Angular TLV conference (hereinafter: "Angular TLV Conf"). The purpose of the website, located at (hereinafter: "the Website"), is to organize and market the Angular TLV conference for all interested parties. The Angular TLV conference organizers reserve the exclusive right to update, change, delete, or add terms to the Terms of Use at any time, without prior notice and at its sole discretion. The binding terms will be those published at the time of the action taken on the Website. Upon entering the Website, and before taking any action on it, using any service, or information available on the Website and/or its applications, you are requested to carefully read the Terms of Use as detailed below (hereinafter: "Terms of Use"). The masculine form used in the Terms of Use is for convenience only and refers to all genders equally.

Acceptance of the Terms of Use

The information appearing on the Website is directed and intended for the use of the public. Use of the Website is at the user's own risk, subject to the terms of the regulations and constitutes the user's agreement to these terms. These Terms of Use shall apply to any engagement in any activity that a user has purchased and/or registered for via the Website. The Angular TLV conference has the exclusive right to update and/or add and/or delete the services offered on the Website, to set limits on the quantity offered, etc., including price changes, at any time and without prior notice. It is further clarified that any purchase made on the Website is the sole responsibility of the user/customer. It is the responsibility of the user/customer using the Website to examine the conditions and/or products offered on the Website, including the specific conditions regarding each service and/or benefit and/or activity. In the event of any contradiction between these Terms of Use and any other publication, of any kind, the provisions of these Terms of Use shall prevail and shall be binding on the user in all respects, unless the Website explicitly states in any specific regulations that its provisions prevail over these Terms of Use.

Performing Actions on the Website and Using It

The user/customer will enter their identifying details into a third party website (״the system״) to purchase tickets for the conference (hereinafter: "the User" and "the Identifying Details," respectively). It is the user's responsibility to ensure the accuracy of the identifying details provided to the system for performing any action on the Website, and they commit to providing accurate details. After placing an order on the Website, an order confirmation will be received, containing the serial number of the order indicating that the order details have been received by the system. It should be clarified that receiving the order confirmation with the serial number constitutes confirmation of receipt of the order details and does not constitute approval of the order by the Angular TLV Conf. The products and/or services on the Website will be supplied to the user under the responsibility of the suppliers, according to the communication methods provided by the user on the Website, and according to the terms and conditions listed on the Website, and according to any law.

Intellectual Property

All information, publications, and creations found on the Website are the property of the Angular TLV Conf and/or its representatives and/or others who have permitted the Angular TLV Conf to use them. Copying and/or publishing any part of them without the explicit consent of the Angular TLV Conf and the rights holders is prohibited. The copyright applies to text, images, illustrations, audio clips, video clips, music, software applications, graphics, and characters (hereinafter: "the Protected Material"), and the trademarks on the Website are trademarks registered by their owners. Copying and/or duplicating and/or distributing and/or publishing and/or using the Protected Material and the content presented on the Website and/or making any action, directly or indirectly, that constitutes an infringement or violation of the intellectual property of the Angular TLV Conf is prohibited unless explicitly permitted in writing and in advance by the Angular TLV Conf. The Angular TLV Conf may assign and/or transfer the Terms of Use and/or its rights and/or obligations under the Terms of Use, in whole or in part, to third parties at its sole discretion.

Disclaimer of Information

The Website in its entirety, including all the information appearing on it, the software underlying it, the information, and all other materials accessed through the Website, are provided as they are (as is).

User Responsibility

Any reliance on statements, opinions, advice, or other information presented on the site, including transactions conducted through this site, is at the user’s discretion and sole responsibility.

Product and Service Terms

The user must examine the specific conditions when purchasing a ticket, including the special conditions for each ticket, conditions, limitations, and restrictions, as well as any other relevant information regarding these matters, including the operating hours of suppliers and service providers. Users will not be heard with any claims or complaints that they were unaware of the conditions if the conditions were published on the site, and it is presumed that by performing any action on the site, the user was aware of them and confirmed their content.

Data Ownership

Any data provided by the user to the Angular TLV Conf or others via the site will become its property. The user acknowledges that the Angular TLV Conf may retain the information provided by the user in a database compliant with the Privacy Protection Law, 1981 (the "Privacy Protection Law"), and consents to this.

Liability Disclaimer

The Angular TLV Conf will not be liable, directly or indirectly, for any damage, direct or indirect, consequential, special, financial, or otherwise, incurred by the user or any third party due to or resulting from the use or reliance on information or services presented on the site or any third-party site, including loss of income or prevention of profit for any reason.

Privacy Policy

For the avoidance of doubt, it is clarified that under the Privacy Protection Law, the provision of user details for performing actions on the site constitutes consent to allow the Angular TLV Conf to use this data for sending mailings and cooperating with service providers, suppliers, and various businesses.

The Angular TLV Conf will not transfer user details to a third party without prior written consent, unless the transfer is necessary to provide the services or perform the activity for which the user registered on the site, like purchasing the conference tickets.

Any information about the user collected in connection with their activity on the site will be considered the property of the Angular TLV Conf or its representatives, and the user waives any claim regarding the use of such information, including claims under the Privacy Protection Law.

Furthermore, the Angular TLV Conf may use personal information of the user for internal purposes only, including investigating complaints and reviews or for statistical needs.

Any user of the site may request in writing to be removed from the site's mailing list by emailing

The Angular TLV Conf will not be considered to have breached any privacy commitment or violated user privacy due to any information, as defined in the Computers Law, 1995, that could identify a user or trace them by others, resulting from the use of electronic communication means in general and computer communication in particular.

The Angular TLV Conf may transfer the information provided to it via the site, in whole or in part, to complete the transaction and provide it to suppliers and service providers.

Information Security

The Angular TLV Conf secures the information on the site and its computer network concerning the operation of the site using advanced systems, procedures, and standards.

However, since the site operates in an online environment, the Angular TLV Conf cannot fully secure its information and communication systems from unauthorized intrusions and misuse. The Angular TLV Conf will not be liable for any cases of disclosure and use of registered information resulting from unauthorized intrusions. Anyone providing details on the site does so at their own exclusive and full responsibility and will not have any claims or complaints against the Angular TLV Conf or its representatives.

Assignment of Rights

The Angular TLV Conf may assign or transfer these terms of use and/or its rights and/or obligations under these terms, in whole or in part, to third parties at its sole discretion.

Governing Law and Jurisdiction

These terms of use and any legal cause arising from their use will be governed by the laws of the State of Israel. The exclusive jurisdiction to adjudicate any dispute arising from the site's activities will be vested solely in the competent court in Tel Aviv.


If, due to force majeure, the Angular TLV Conf or its representatives are unable to manage the purchase of products and services on the site properly, the Angular TLV Conf may cancel transactions with users. Force majeure includes events beyond the Angular TLV Conf control that prevent or delay site activities and the supply of products/services, including computer system failures, phone system failures, other communication system failures, sabotage, or other unusual events.

The Angular TLV Conf may discontinue providing services on the site according to these terms of use at any time, immediately, unilaterally, and without prior notice, and will not be obligated to pay any compensation or other remedy for this action.

For the avoidance of doubt, the cancellation or postponement of activities ordered on the site due to the War constitutes "force majeure," and in such cases, the Angular TLV Conf will not be liable, nor will it be required to pay any compensation or remedy.

Reading the terms of use is a basic condition for using or browsing the site, ordering products or services, or utilizing benefits for site users. By using or browsing the site, ordering products or services as detailed on the site, the user confirms that they have read the terms, understand its provisions, and agree to and accept the conditions without reservation.